LRW & BCR Christmas Party

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Join the Longmont Republican Women and Boulder County Republicans for their annual Christmas Party!  This will be a fun time to mingle with your fellow liberty lovers and enjoy the holidays.  There will be a White Elephant Gift Exchange so start shopping for that fun gift now ($20 max). Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased HERE. The party will be at 6pm on Wednesday, December 13th, 6pm at Pinocchio's in Longmont.

Weld County Commissioner Lori Saine at LRW Monthly Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Help us welcome Lori Saine, Weld County Commissioner and former Colorado State Representative, who will chat with us about "Don't Do Politics Alone". The meeting will be held at Pinocchio's in Longmont.  We will order dinner off the menu. RSVP to [email protected] Please note although our meetings are usually on the third Wednesday of the month, this meeting is on Thursday.

“How To Caucus” Training at February’s Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Help us welcome Lesley Hollywood to learn “How To Caucus.” We will also hear from Anil Mathai from and How To Become a PCP. The meeting will be held at Pinocchio's in Longmont. Come hungry and ready to order off the menu! Please note that only February’s meeting is on a Wednesday. Our meetings will move back to Thursdays starting in March. Please click here to RSVP. 

LRW March Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Help us welcome Pastor Steve Grant with Destiny Christian Center in Greeley on “Why America Still Needs God.” LRW President, Peg Cage, will speak about Election Integrity. WHEN: Thursday, March 21, 2024, 6:00pm WHERE: Pinocchio’s - 210 Ken Pratt Blvd., #260, Longmont Please arrive by 5:45 to order dinner off the menu! RSVP to Melissa Marter at [email protected]  

LRW April Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Help us welcome Greg Lopez, the Republican nominee in the June 25th special election who will fill the vacancy from Rep. Ken Buck's resignation, CD2 candidate Marshall Dawson, and State Senate District 23 candidate Natalie Abshier. WHEN: Thursday, April 18, 2024, 6:00pm WHERE: Pinocchio’s – 210 Ken Pratt Blvd., #260, Longmont Please arrive by 5:45 to order dinner off the menu! RSVP to Melissa Marter at [email protected]

LRW May Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Join us for a County Commissioner Candidate Forum for both Boulder and Weld counties. We will welcome Dan Betts, former CD4 Congressional Aide, who will talk about political trends that will affect the 2024 election. We will also welcome Linda Bissette who will share information about The Good Initiatives - 201, 202, and 278. WHEN: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 6:00pm WHERE: Pinocchio’s – 210 Ken Pratt Blvd., #260, Longmont Please arrive by 5:45 to order dinner off the menu! RSVP to Melissa Marter at [email protected]

CFRW CD2 District Meeting

This location is being disclosed until your RSVP is submitted. Longmont, CO, United States

"CD2 Votes in Action" Longmont Republican Women is hosting the 2024 CFRW CD2 Meeting! WHERE: East of Longmont on Hwy 119. For address, please RSVP using the linked Form below or emailing [email protected] WHEN: Saturday, June 1, 2024 TIME: 12:00pm - 2:00pm COST: $20/person We will enjoy delicious food, non-alcoholic drinks, desserts, door prizes, speakers and guests, and a silent auction. More details are being planned, so please use this RSVP Form CFRW CD2 Meeting - "CD2 Votes in Action" ( and keep an eye on your email! If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Peg Cage at [email protected] If you have any issues with the RSVP Form, please contact Melissa Marter at [email protected]

Boulder County Republican Summer Social

This location is being disclosed until your RSVP is submitted. Longmont, CO, United States

Boulder Republican Women is hosting this year's Summer Social, as they have every election year. Please register and pay online at (your payment is your registration). Once you have registered, the location will be emailed to you. When: Saturday, July 20, 2024 Time: 5:00pm Cost: $30/person Our Master of Ceremonies will be the Honorable Tom Tancredo. You will hear from candidates and enjoy visiting with like-minded friends! Catered by G-Que BBQ (Jason and Heidi Ganal's restaurant) If you have any questions, please contact Marty Neilson at 303-775-8804. Deadline for registration is July 15th. Please view the invite link below for further information. Summer Social

September monthly meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

Our next meeting is on September 19th, 6:00pm, Pinocchio's in Longmont. We will welcome candidates Marshall Dawson (CD2), Bill DeOreo (HD10), a representative from Kathy Reeves's campaign (HD11), Steve Ferrante (HD49), and Tina Francone to tell us about Please join us at 5:30pm for the prayer group. We will order off the menu - please arrive by 5:50pm to do so. Melissa's term as Secretary is ending in September and she won't be running for a second term. LRW needs a new Secretary officer, so please email Peg at [email protected] if you're interested.

LRW October Meeting

Pinocchio's 210 Ken Pratt, Longmont, CO, United States

The October meeting of Longmont Republican Women is Thursday, October 17 at Pinocchio's Restaurant from 6-8pm. Kevin Lundberg is our featured guest and we will have discussions on the ballot initiatives. Mr. Lundberg's suggestions and many others are on a chart compiled by Steve Brown, the GOP Chairman of Phillips County. It can be found at Before the LRW meeting, Cari Cook leads prayer for the nation and Colorado from 5:30-5:45pm. Order GREAT Italian food off the menu starting at 5:50pm. Please RSVP by text to Peg Cage at 303-981-4987.

LRW’S 2025 Trump Inauguration Party

The location is a private residence and will be disclosed with an "attending" RSVP

Instead of the Longmont Republican Women's regular monthly Thursday meeting, this special event will be a fantastic potluck gathering with a festive ambiance, delicious food, and fun! ~The Longmont Republican Women will provide a smoked prime rib roast and tasty desserts. ~As an Attendee, you're being asked to bring an appetizer, salad, bread, side dish, or beverage to share. ~Additionally, to help fund future outreach, the LRW will be requesting a $10 donation per person. ~Please RSVP to [email protected] or by text to 303-241-9709 Please RSVP to [email protected] or by text to 303-241-9709 We hope you can join us!  Please RSVP soon, as we will close reservations when we reach the venue's limit.

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